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Home > Miscellaneous (2004 - 2008) > Coppermine 2005
Stevie and Brittany pool
Brittany and Stevie ready to jump into Braden's pool after watching The Ring

Stevie and Brittany pool

Brittany and Stevie ready to jump into Braden's pool after watching The Ring

Britt_and_Daniel_gangster.jpg Britt_and_Rebekah_shoes.jpg Britt_and_Stevie.jpg Britt_beach.jpg Britt_bleh.jpg
File information
Album name:MechMykl / Coppermine 2005
Filesize:1807 KiB
Date added:Dec 04, 2006
Dimensions:1704 x 2272 pixels
Displayed:242 times
DateTime Original:2005:07:20 09:50:09
Exposure Time:1/30 sec
Flash:Flash, Auto-Mode
Make:Olympus Corporation
Favorites:Add to Favorites