
Victor kicking ball61 views

Crooms parking-lot85 views

Crooms parking-lot 247 views

Crooms122 views

Jon close-up126 views

Victor pose 2622 views

Victor Craig action252 viewsCraig had no idea until I showed him the picture that victor was doing that to him

Ricky deer eyes122 views

Craig attacked63 viewsOk yea completely random but hilarious at the same time. That's ricky's hand grabing craig and victor is holding craig down.

Victor's eyes48 viewsWe were trying to blind each other with the flash on our cameras'.

Victor's Goofy Grin52 views

The Sunset63 viewsThis is on the activity bus going home

The Sunset 247 views

Victor's Goofy Grin 2147 viewsIt's all in love victor

Ricky sleeping60 viewsHe was out!

Laptop180 views

Tony's valentines treat 2181 viewsThe final touch

Tony's valentines treat211 viewsTony decides to eat the candy given to him then spit it out into this pile....

Black Lincoln1856 viewsYou might not think so, but I think this looks like a somewhat black version of Lincoln.

Craig Sleeping 2156 views