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| Announcements - 3/28/20Down to the wire upgrade from 1.4.27 to 1.6.08 today to get off the sinking PHP 5.6 ship and onto PHP 7. There will be a considerable amount of visual jank for the foreseeable future, but everything else seems to be working as expected. Regression back to relative URLs (lol); anonymous comments temporarily disabled. CPG continues to stand the test of time-- hailing all the way back to 1.3.3 in 2005. |
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2,141 |
Senior Year


Yearbook camp, Retreat, Homecoming court, senior prank night, senior trip, ministry days, Disney Grad Night, graduation, and picture day.
815 files, last one added on Jul 24, 2008 Album viewed 373 times

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2,117 |

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311 |

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444 |

| User galleriesThis category contains albums that belong to Coppermine users. |
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581 |
| Announcements - 9/3/18Preemptively / belatedly locked down certain third-party areas of the site to prevent revisionist history. Added a helpful share link to the top of all photos. Closed the 13? year old bug: absolute URLs are finally a reality. Also: I did say four years later, didn't I? Eerie. |
| Announcements - 8/10/14Two updates in a single year! Updated Coppermine to the latest stable version of the 1.4 branch to support the webserver's upgrade to PHP 5.4. Also configured a few plugin improvements, removed fake ratings, renamed "me" files, rewrote duplicate titles, set up a sitemap, and re-arranged / re-labeled categories to better match the archival reality of this photo gallery. |
| Announcements - 2/23/14Keeping the dream alive, I spent an hour and a half tonight cleaning out all of the spam comments that bots had been inserting into the database over the last four years. 30MB table -> about 100KB. Further, I went through and re-assigned comments we had all made while not logged in by matching names and IP addresses to registered accounts. Here's to the next 4 years! |
| Announcements - 12/24/09All albums have been organized, tagged, disseminated, checked for duplicates, and described over the last six months by Brittany and I allowing me to finally say that Coppermine is "done." I still have many thousands of photos to upload since December of 2007 to the present, but that will happen in due time (once my schedule allows.) Merry Christmas! |
| DisclaimerAll pictures, videos, and audio recordings are presented under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 United States License by Michael Berg of unless otherwise noted. This means that users are encouraged to share, print, save, send, make derivative works of, and post to social networking websites as long as credit for the original is given solely to the author. |
5,594 files in 39 albums and 11 categories with 410 comments viewed 2,212,027 times |