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Last comments - Water's stuff
tormented soul203 viewsa cookie to whoever guesses who that is6 comments03/19/06 at 00:47btard: michael just give it up. His is better than youuuu...
tormented soul203 viewsa cookie to whoever guesses who that is6 comments03/12/06 at 01:50MechMykl: not really lol, but i meant if it was from a digit...
tormented soul203 viewsa cookie to whoever guesses who that is6 comments03/11/06 at 19:43Water: heh... that i do brit, and berg i was movin it aro...
Blue Berg158 viewswhy so blue chummmmm-p3 comments03/11/06 at 19:42Water: no... i put my finger there for a reason... yea...
Blue Berg158 viewswhy so blue chummmmm-p3 comments03/11/06 at 15:24MechMykl: haha. oh and look to the right of me, your finger ...
Blue Berg158 viewswhy so blue chummmmm-p3 comments03/11/06 at 01:11btard: hey! look to the left of him! that's the chris...
tormented soul203 viewsa cookie to whoever guesses who that is6 comments03/09/06 at 11:25Guest_topher: I WAS RIGHT! YAY! James, you owe me a cookie!!
tormented soul203 viewsa cookie to whoever guesses who that is6 comments03/08/06 at 02:31MechMykl: It's like, if that was a reg. camera I could s...
tormented soul203 viewsa cookie to whoever guesses who that is6 comments03/07/06 at 22:27btard: omg is that michael vaughn??
haircut118 viewsbefore i got my haircut, bored... very bored1 comments03/05/06 at 22:34btard: james, you look better than that guy above you.
pete levitate114 viewschris and dave hold while pete.... levitates1 comments03/05/06 at 20:51Guest_topher: and to think this is what we do when we are suppos...
Owned_Cat166 views3 comments12/19/05 at 03:24MechMykl: lol thats a stuck out tounge haha
Owned_Cat166 views3 comments12/18/05 at 04:19btard: lol, uh michael your smiling at a cat about to be ...
Owned_Cat166 views3 comments10/20/05 at 17:52MechMykl: Razz
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