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David and Nikki wild406 viewsDavid and Nikki on Wild and Crazy day during spirit week01/08/07 at 16:01MechMykl: Wow, never even noticed Braden lmao

Harper's Mill330 viewsOne of my favorite pictures01/07/07 at 22:40Guest_brittnessgirl: aw this is pretty.

Tresspassing? Bah357 viewsWe never were a couple of guys who followed rules01/07/07 at 22:36Guest_brittnessgirl: wow wut rebels. u guys look cute tho i love ur exp...

Sweaty boys at homecoming676 viewsPinks, Andrew, and James being really energetic at the homecoming dance01/07/07 at 22:28Guest_brittnessgirl: omg ew. lol and LOL wow Brittany's apparently ...

It's raining161 viewsRain pounding the pavement01/07/07 at 22:25Guest_brittnessgirl: oooooh

Twisted421 viewsStevie and Braden holding Rachel back01/07/07 at 22:24Guest_brittnessgirl: Aw doesn't Stevie look nice. lol And notice Br...

Michelle thinks shes hot stuff152 viewsSo do her friends, pshhh01/07/07 at 22:22Guest_brittnessgirl: Polka Dots EVERYWHERE

Michael wall339 viewsYet again with the famous wall pictures, this on a casual day01/07/07 at 22:21Guest_brittnessgirl: yay for preppy clothes and an UNPOPPED collar.

Marsh attack!181 viewsMarsh forces himself onto Kelly during the homecoming dance01/07/07 at 22:19Guest_brittnessgirl: lmao and I saw more than one victim of that night ...

Leah sleeping613 viewsLeah fell asleep behind the computer racks during yearbook class-- finally after awhile Mrs. Castaldi asked "where did Leah go?" Geran ratted her out01/07/07 at 22:17Guest_brittnessgirl: hahahaha i remember this day. Mrs castaldi is like...

David and Nikki wild406 viewsDavid and Nikki on Wild and Crazy day during spirit week01/07/07 at 22:14Guest_brittnessgirl: at first glance its such a cute picture...and then...

Homecoming misc 11199 viewsThe macarena part 3 at homecoming; Ashley keeps popping up in all of these picture01/07/07 at 22:13Guest_brittnessgirl: Is it just me or does it look like instead Brett...

Death by Review345 viewsBrittany dead on the floor after a pack of wild Princeton Review books overtook her01/07/07 at 22:06Guest_brittnessgirl: omg this is so perfect. lol

Its a gnomeeee262 views01/06/07 at 22:01Water: arent dwarves supposed to be... short?

Michael on HQubed Community244 viewsAhh, the good old days01/03/07 at 14:50Water: ah the good ol days

Sidewalks279 viewsJames, Brad, and Braden pose for a photo I needed to do some Photoshopping to01/02/07 at 21:03Water: this is why you had to have us go outside? YOU LIE...

Playing Halo 2325 viewsAdrian, Mac and Oscar playing Halo 2 at Jon's party01/01/07 at 20:09btard: Does mac have the same boardshorts as you??? WTF

Sidewalks279 viewsJames, Brad, and Braden pose for a photo I needed to do some Photoshopping to12/30/06 at 00:11Guest_brittnessgirl: James is giving a demented-looking thumbs up...bra...

Stockholders?580 viewsBrittany R and Stevie in the stocks; one of whom seems a little too gleeful?12/29/06 at 23:49Guest_brittnessgirl: Aw look how sad he looks! lol and I'm apparent...

Equestrians637 viewsBrittany R and Stevie on the carousel at Disney12/29/06 at 23:48Guest_brittnessgirl: yes its true...stevie cant smile normally. lol but...
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