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Justin in the bookcase760 viewsMrs. Hinds gave us a stretch break during Geometry, Justin spent it cooped up in the bookshelf02/21/07 at 20:10Guest_Niko: i remember that, haha

No more giraffe704 viewsWe stopped at a Mc Donalds out on I-Drive and I hopped on the giraffe, my dad came over and stared me down telling me to be more responsible02/20/07 at 19:53Guest_brittnessgirl: LOL wow. ilu this is just funny.

Training to be rich302 viewsBraden came to the party late because he spent hours that day at a seminar02/20/07 at 19:51Guest_brittnessgirl: lol i recognize that smirk all 2 well.

The group ice skaters 4174 viewsA different area of the rink, I thought it was quite funny02/20/07 at 19:50Guest_brittnessgirl: i love how you are all hunched over but Daniel ref...

Hmmm232 viewsBraden and Lynn wonder02/20/07 at 19:49Guest_brittnessgirl: haha...yes. haha.

Posers175 viewsDaniela and I posing with awesomeness at the skating rink02/20/07 at 19:47Guest_brittnessgirl: Dorkssssss

Craig approved147 views02/19/07 at 08:40Aequitas9: Holy crap, an actually okay picture of me...

Pulling a heavy load323 viewsJayce hauling our VBS 2006 class around the halls02/18/07 at 21:15LawDawg: MY COFFEE!

Rebekah loses306 views"Rebekah started off with a better present than she ended up with" James and I just wanted to point out02/17/07 at 21:31Water: it beats a flipping phone book

Muscled men711 viewsSean and I pose for a strong armed picture at the Junior class Christmas party, again, I have a very wierd face02/17/07 at 21:30Water: just... no

Hmmm232 viewsBraden and Lynn wonder02/17/07 at 21:18Water: dear lord thats frightning XD

Hair monster!189 viewsMichelle getting a hair cut, the lady put all of her hair on her face. Amazing.02/17/07 at 20:38Daniel: LMAO and it's another tma kid too on the side,...

Locker magic166 viewsAbout 5 pairs of shoes and a bag stuff into a locker02/17/07 at 20:35Daniel: haha i think it was more like 7 pairs

Jayce and Michael, falling for you308 views02/13/07 at 22:30ChristaRose: of course you are. i am just amazing. lol jk

Jumping at camera176 views02/13/07 at 22:22ChristaRose: you look like you don't have any arms. very od...

Wangsta Michael242 viewsMe posing for a picture in the crafts room at vbs02/12/07 at 20:08Guest_topher: (...)ster is right dude...

Celebrity Steve's birthday locker169 views02/11/07 at 20:04Guest_anon:

Da bears LOST171 viewsA devout Chicago fan got what they deserved02/10/07 at 19:24Guest_brittnessgirl: hehehehehehe

Hmm, a kiss?4094 viewsBrittany kisses me on the forehead during out picnic; her nose is crazy scruched!02/10/07 at 17:49ChristaRose: fave. amazing. new myspace default!

Sean, the other pimp296 viewsLadies man Sean poses with Amanda and Amy at the Junior class Christmas party02/09/07 at 21:53CrimsonAndroid:
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