Last comments - MechMykl |
My '06 Infiniti G35 Coupe11639 viewsA video of my '06 Infiniti G35 Coupe driving off04/12/10 at 03:32MechMykl: TECHNICALLY I was already stopped behind the stop ...
Darnell and the pig534 viewsMr. Darnell eager to slice up some ham during the midnight feast12/23/09 at 21:02MechMykl: Fixed
The Munoz Sandwhich returns!365 viewsRebekah in between Daniel and Adrian [and I know you guys HATE this joke, but come on :)]09/23/07 at 18:30MechMykl: Haha if I recall you at one point wanted to put th...
Chanel dudes335 views07/01/07 at 00:53MechMykl: Nah I love the fact that brittanys hiding in the c...
144 views04/04/07 at 10:40MechMykl: What the heck Matt lol
The spinning berg336 viewsChris took this picture of me spinning around a pole bursting with energy04/01/07 at 20:36MechMykl: lmao who cares?! Kevin was there too? so was Stevi...
David and Nikki wild406 viewsDavid and Nikki on Wild and Crazy day during spirit week01/08/07 at 16:01MechMykl: Wow, never even noticed Braden lmao
Brittany and Chris kiss5328 viewsBrittany and Chris set up by Braden to mimick a kiss at Jon's birthday party12/04/06 at 21:04MechMykl: Heh, Oscar man, this was over a year ago
173 views11/23/06 at 16:18MechMykl: You suck
Look Out142 viewsLOOK OUT LITTLE BOY, THAT SANDPERSON IS MICHAEL BERG... I MEAN JACKSON!!!!! What? It was a slip of the tongue, I didn't mean it!!!! 06/01/06 at 14:09MechMykl: Eh?
Punishment of Vader haters out there!182 viewsPossible reasons this could happen:
1. I'm a Vader hater (Not possible, I waited 30 minutes in line for this)
2. Berg sent him out for the comment on the Sandperson picture
3. I wasn't dark enough to be a Sith
4. I thought about Padme too much
5. I wanted it to be a comedic picture.06/01/06 at 14:08MechMykl: Haha
Spirit Hunt178 viewsThe first thing I did with my camera. I just got home from work at 10:50 pm.04/30/06 at 17:36MechMykl: nice, i like the whole black solar flair thing
Michael wall casual222 viewsA newer wall pic of me03/16/06 at 22:05MechMykl: lol I wasnt happy dude, so ive got a "sigh, w...
tormented soul203 viewsa cookie to whoever guesses who that is03/12/06 at 01:50MechMykl: not really lol, but i meant if it was from a digit...
Jon's presents213 viewsJon unwrapping his presents at his birthday03/11/06 at 15:25MechMykl: Date added: Sep 12, 2005
Blue Berg157 viewswhy so blue chummmmm-p03/11/06 at 15:24MechMykl: haha. oh and look to the right of me, your finger ...
tormented soul203 viewsa cookie to whoever guesses who that is03/08/06 at 02:31MechMykl: It's like, if that was a reg. camera I could s...
Michael snow hair1015 viewsSnow that was leftover from the flurry in my fluffy hair01/25/06 at 23:20MechMykl: lol no, i wasnt feeling angsty, i was showing peop...
Sean's Decision284 viewsThis was taken during Latin when we were outside. The first thing I thought was "Sean's choice between childhood and Adulthood" etc...01/18/06 at 23:54MechMykl: Daaaaang this pic rules, im bringing other clothes...
Britt smile302 viewsEasily my favorite picture of her all year, I cursed Stevie out to get this!01/18/06 at 17:54MechMykl: Lol i was screaming profanity at you until i got i...