Last additions - Wallpapers |

My feet by the stream211 viewsA heavenized version of my picture, the metering makes for a great background Aug 01, 2007

The Apocalypse83 viewsI found the original image on Flickr but made it more hellish after a cropAug 01, 2007

Father Adrian101 viewsAdrian in an iPodesque stylingAug 01, 2007

Glade Creek mill870 viewsI got this picture from Wikipedia actually, but then I heavenized itAug 01, 2007

HQubed's crest365 viewsThe HQubed shield logo against a metal backdropAug 01, 2007

Toro96 viewsI made that crazy U thing by mowing; I liked how there was a ton of different colors and textures in this shotMay 02, 2007

St. Paul63 viewsMay 02, 2007

Mosaic dog1689 viewsMay 02, 2007

It's your move87 viewsThis one was fun to make, combining a war theme with a psuedo-warlike game seemed to fit perfectly.Dec 03, 2006

The Red92 viewsAppropriately named, in my opinion, this is one of my best works. I used a normal photograph to begin, combined two Photoshop filters, used different erasers on the black overlay, and then added some perfecting text.Dec 03, 2006

Perfect Day181 viewsTried a gaussian hard light overlay on this one, in my opinion it looks great, the shimmer on everything, but it seems looking white as snow isnt a favored look for girls, sigh.Dec 03, 2006

Picture Perfect57 viewsA brand new creation of mine, the multi-leved minipics are fun to look at, especially if you know what the big picture already looks like; I like the text effect on this one.Dec 03, 2006

The HQubed Army157 viewsThis picture was destined to be a wallpaper, the original was pretty boring in way of text, and I still dont approve of the subtitle, but the main title looks great in my opinion.Dec 03, 2006

Wash over Me46 viewsRainy days are so perfect for desinging I wish they happened more often. This one took a lot of work and began with me being an angel.Dec 03, 2006

4 Fast, 4 Furious64 viewsAnother comical-in-nature wallpaper. The photograph was from my sophmore year during a Latin scavenger hunt project.Dec 03, 2006

Biblical chapel60 viewsI took this slightly slanted photograph at my church on a drizzely day and added an appropriate bible verse.Dec 03, 2006

CatMan85 viewsMostly a joke wallpaper, as not much more needs to be said, added a few more text effects this time around.Dec 03, 2006

Choose your poison79 viewsOriginally this came about from a less "visually pleasing" form, mostly done in a vain light, I was toying with the idea of bottom-left icons.Dec 03, 2006

CirrusField-color211 viewsI took a photograph from Wikipedia and applied a few liberal Photoshop effects interlaced with some lyrics that didnt seem to fit just right at the time.Dec 03, 2006

January 9, 2006180 viewsA combination of a picture Brittany and I took near during our fourth month and the cirrus field picture, turned out well.Dec 03, 2006