Last additions - Junior year at Crooms |

Scrabble167 viewsYa look at this closely. Mar 21, 2007

Desk Drawing908 viewsI found this on my physics desk and felt like taking a picture of it. Mar 21, 2007

My Random Happy Face161 viewsMar 21, 2007

Nick grab159 viewsLook hard.....Mar 21, 2007

Flicking off Tony50 viewsWe got the entire class to flick this kid off. Heh welcome to public school. Btw the teacher was in the room.Mar 21, 2007

Paper Airplane 252 viewsMar 21, 2007

Ricky and Jon170 viewsYea.......I think I'll leave you to interpret what's going on.Mar 21, 2007

Math Work149 viewsA long day and math class. Need I say more.Mar 21, 2007

Paper Airplane 1187 viewsWe threw this airplane around alll period, and finally at the end of the period the teacher finally realized what we were doing...Mar 21, 2007

Craig Sleeping 2157 viewsMar 21, 2007

Black Lincoln1858 viewsYou might not think so, but I think this looks like a somewhat black version of Lincoln.Mar 21, 2007

Victor skillz461 viewsFeb 19, 2007

Tony47 viewsFeb 19, 2007

Takin a picture of him takin a picture of me.149 viewsFeb 19, 2007

Tony Approved43 viewsFeb 19, 2007

Junior!!!653 viewsFeb 19, 2007

Sentimental Jon, The Jayce Face, and Victors Goofy Grin all in one!!!192 viewsFeb 19, 2007

Ricky sleepin74 viewsAsleep on the activity bus... someones in for a treat.Feb 19, 2007

Victron71 viewsFeb 19, 2007

Victor Trick 173 viewsFeb 19, 2007