Last additions |

Wes chuck123 viewsWesley throwing things back and forth to the bleachers at Coach Sarasty, Eddie, and EricNov 26, 2006

Waterbottle tossing162 viewsBraden, Justin, and Nathan were taking turns tossing a massive waterbottle full of TMA fountain water up in the air to break itNov 26, 2006

Tree reflection 286 viewsNov 26, 2006

Tree reflection87 viewsA reflection in the courtyard after a rainstormNov 26, 2006

The Master's Academy89 viewsA view of our gym and courtyard from Mrs. Laustsen's roomNov 26, 2006

Thomas is a character91 viewsThomas dressed up for Character Day during spirit weekNov 26, 2006

Stevie sitting on Brittany475 viewsStevie helping Brittany out during yearbookNov 26, 2006

Throwing shirts103 viewsSo the lady was like, "kids come up and get your clothing orders" and then she'd throw them on the ground like ragsNov 26, 2006

Adrian's monkey128 viewsSo Adrian left this pet monkey that he's been bringing around for the week on the table... I couldn't resist running over and putting it where he couldn't find itNov 26, 2006

Sleeping during bible311 viewsOur entire bible class taking a napNov 26, 2006

Sean wild91 viewsSean all dressed up for Wild and Crazy day during spirit weekNov 26, 2006

Sean by the wall118 viewsNov 26, 2006

What's going on back there97 viewsLittle did Sean know that during study hall a movie was being filmed right behind him by Rachel and JoeNov 26, 2006

Sean flying103 viewsSean being carried around by Jordan and Derrick during a song at the homecoming afterpartyNov 26, 2006

Pooptypueptypants162 viewsSean writes on the board during classNov 26, 2006

High Score!100 viewsBoredom produced high scores for Sean during study hallNov 26, 2006

Sean wonders137 viewsSean poses during study hallNov 26, 2006

Rebekah wild94 viewsRebekah dressed up on Wild and Crazy day during spirit weekNov 26, 2006

Sean and Joey104 viewsSean and Joey talking and doing work during study hallNov 26, 2006

Ryan wild91 viewsRyan dressed up as Edward on Wild and Crazy day during spirit weekNov 26, 2006
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