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Michael wall346 viewsYet again with the famous wall pictures, this on a casual dayNov 26, 2006

Michael, Sean, and Oscar107 viewsMe, Sean, and Oscar taking some pictures after school at our usual waiting spot by the trashcanNov 26, 2006

Orphan Michael82 viewsNov 26, 2006

Michael wild and crazy159 viewsMichael on Wild and Crazy day with Bri's ears on, my Indian Guides vest, and a couple of non-matching shirts during Anatomy during spirit weekNov 26, 2006

Bad mood sign83 viewsI wasn't having a very good day at all, and that fact kinda showed without any effort on my own; Nathan and Oscar were nice enough to alert everyone in the areaNov 26, 2006

Michael and Justin math91 viewsJustin and I during math classNov 26, 2006

Gunned down240 viewsBrad holds Marsh at gunpoint in their military uniformsNov 26, 2006

Lynn at lunch216 viewsNov 26, 2006

Mac's dog rock87 viewsMac doggy rockNov 26, 2006

Lynn and Nathan89 viewsLynn with her Bonnet on, as shown off by NathanNov 26, 2006

Lynn bonnet83 viewsLynn wearing her bonnet during lunchNov 26, 2006

Butt pinch132 viewsDavid tries to clear his name after Nikki tells the camera about what he's really doing at lunchNov 26, 2006

Brittany and Daniel nerds94 viewsBrittany and Daniel being crazy hyper during lunch while eating the new sour NerdsNov 26, 2006

Leah and Emily86 viewsLeah and her friend Emily by our famous picture wallNov 26, 2006

Kyle's vein82 viewsKyle laying on the ground; every time he smiled his vein would pop outNov 26, 2006

Locker fliers99 viewsSee You At The Poll fliers stickied to each locker at the schoolNov 26, 2006

Justing sleeping standing up121 viewsJustin sleeping while standing up in the back of the room in Mrs. Hinds' class because he fell asleep at his deskNov 26, 2006

Justin sleeping tent237 viewsJustin sleeping in his home-made tent during Bible classNov 26, 2006

Justin sleeping after Bible239 viewsJustin fell asleep during Bible class and when the bell rang we simply left himNov 26, 2006

Christa hug attacked2017 viewsJustin hug attacking Christa during yearbookNov 26, 2006
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