Coppermine Photo Gallery Welcome! It is 2:22pm on Sunday the 16th, 2025.
Network: HQubed: Coppermine, HQubed: Stuff, HQubed: Webcam
Last additions
Whitney worked on189 viewsWhitney having her fairie makeup applied by Tim WolfeNov 26, 2006
Lunch table163 viewsOur table at the mall aftefr Shakespere Festival, yuummNov 26, 2006
Where's the HackettCam?164 viewsHmm, so can anyone hasten a guess as to where my webcam is secretly set up?Nov 26, 2006
The Hand of God523 viewsI took this of Mr. Hackett's clock (which is now in my rooom); I thought nothing of it, but he said it looked like the hand of God
Nov 26, 2006
The Crew 2005 2161 viewsNov 26, 2006
The halls195 viewsI took this video on my way to next period, I messed with the usual people hahaNov 26, 2006
The Crew 2005198 viewsI had to coax them all into Hackett's room, but it was worth it; this is a picture of me and most of my closest friends on one of the last days of schoolNov 26, 2006
Stevie and mom lunchroom169 viewsMessing around in the lunchroom with Stevie and my momNov 26, 2006
Stevie on the prowl162 viewsStevie after being made up by Tim WolfeNov 26, 2006
Stevie and Mom Lunchroom299 viewsStevie has only recently started to allow pictures of himself since this photo was takenNov 26, 2006
Swoft hair169 viewsJulie Clark has soft (swofft) hair, Stevie loves to touch itNov 26, 2006
James playing baseball164 viewsJonathan took this video of James playing baseball at FYE, James misses and gets mad :(Nov 26, 2006
Turn around...152 viewsTrying to leave the mall on time (we ended up not) I was behind Rachel, but she decided to turn around and be a jerkNov 26, 2006
Barnes and Nobel152 viewsI decided to walk into Barnes and Nobel this time around, Caitlin flashes a cute pose as I go byNov 26, 2006
Michael MP3 on bus168 viewsAdrian and Daniel took this one of me listening to "I Hate Everything About You" on my MP3 player; kids are screaming in the backgroundNov 26, 2006
Daniel DDR169 viewsA full video of Daniel playing DDR at FYE after the playNov 26, 2006
Bus rides are long...138 viewsJustin mimics the AOL addage of incomplete virus protecting, and Adrian wants me to take a picture of Testigos 0_oNov 26, 2006
K9 Advantix138 viewsBrittany took this video on the bus ride to the Shakespere Festival; remember, fleas, ticks, mosquitos, really bother Lynn!Nov 26, 2006
Area 51 and DDr273 viewsSome more shooting action, but more of a video to showcase Daniel's DDR skillsNov 26, 2006
Signs to come...152 viewsAs soon as my mom had left the campus I started taking shots of the insuing chaos of the dayNov 26, 2006
5594 files on 280 page(s) 247