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The Massacre193 viewsEddie posing with his weapon of choiceJul 24, 2008
Time to go133 viewsThe engine revved as I took this shot and then jumped into the moving truck as we shot down the road following Brett's SUVJul 24, 2008
Waiting to egg126 viewsSo the idea was that we'd eventually catch up to Kyle's group on the road and egg them to death; we never ended up finding them, of courseJul 24, 2008
Chasing155 viewsAfter Adrian, Daniel, Matt, and I got caught in a cul-de-sac by Jeff and his group, we kept up with them while they were chasing down Kyle's groupJul 24, 2008
Egged157 viewsEric ended up hitting Joanna with an egg just for fun- she didn't enjoy it nearly as much as he didJul 24, 2008
BB guns and eggs5069 viewsI took this while Eddie was shooting stop signs and cable boxes and Jeff was tossing eggs at front yards and AdrianJul 24, 2008
Now what?136 viewsWe never ended up catching Kyle's group so back to Janssen's house we went to figure out who to hit next via RenWebJul 24, 2008
The pile431 viewsDaniel in front of the massive pile that got dumped into my car after cleaning up most of Kyle's house for use later1 commentsJul 24, 2008
Further chasing128 viewsThis time back the way that they came after Pearson noticed Kyle's group hiding in a backstreetJul 24, 2008
Retaliation136 viewsKyle had a pretty good idea that it was the other group, and since we happened to be driving by to get Adrian's spare battery they got back at Rachel and JoannaJul 24, 2008
Eric the stud126 viewsJul 24, 2008
Kyle's house133 viewsWe came back to Kyle's house later after splitting up to find that Jeff's group had destroyed Kyle's front lawn and left something like "09 attack"Jul 24, 2008
Brett cleaning up5310 viewsBrett taking down some toilet paper from Kyle's treesJul 24, 2008
Kyle's house 3384 viewsJul 24, 2008
Kyle's house 2158 viewsAdrian walks through the winter forest that was Kyle's front yardJul 24, 2008
Tug of war 2189 viewsDaniel trying to rip the toilet paper out of Kyle's treesJul 24, 2008
The gate was innefective139 viewsCourtney, Michaela, Ashlyn, and Julia crawled their way under the front gate of the school with easeJul 24, 2008
Hiding or helping?135 viewsMichaela and Courtney poking out of one of the holes in the senior flagJul 24, 2008
Now, get out134 viewsThe problem, especially for Ashlyn, was the whole getting out from under the gate partJul 24, 2008
Filming130 viewsAdrian filmed the entire night to go in tandem with my photosJul 24, 2008
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