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Home > User galleries > stevieschenk > Dark Sith Lords and Ladies

Most viewed - Dark Sith Lords and Ladies
Sith Lady Btard.jpg
Sith Lady Btard152 viewsThe Third of my Sith Lord/Lady creations. Darth Btardd is the most powerful Sith so far! Her Force Lightning can wipe out most people! (There are rumors of a Jedi Master more powerful......)1 comments
Sith Lord Justin.jpg
Sith Lord Justin95 viewsThe First of my Sith Lord creations.
Jedi Master Stevie.jpg
Jedi Master Stevie89 viewsThe First Jedi I have created. A Jedi is far more powerful than any, and all, Sith Lords. This Jedi Master trained Master Yoda in the Jedi Arts. He is unstoppable
Nathan old boy 2 .jpg
Sith Lord Nathan84 viewsThe Fourth of my Sith Lord creations. Darth Essious is known for his proficiency with weapons. Though he is able to cast Force Lightning, it is not as powerful as that of Darth Btardd.
Sith Lord Topher.jpg
Sith Lord Topher72 viewsThe Second of my Sith Lord creations. Darth Patterman is more powerful than Darth Juustin (the whole "eye-thang"), but much less powerful than Darth Btardd! This Sith Lord would crumble under her powers!
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