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David, Braden, and Lynn122 viewsthe 3 after school

Random reflections122 viewsThe reflection was actually from a door handle at FBC Oviedo

Cloudy backdrop122 views

Jacket kids122 viewsBraden and Nathan during history class being evil

Justing sleeping standing up122 viewsJustin sleeping while standing up in the back of the room in Mrs. Hinds' class because he fell asleep at his desk

Michaela and Evin122 viewsMichaela and Evin at homecoming on the dancefloor

Michelle and her friends122 viewsHaving fun dancing together

Ballet dancers122 viewsBrittany was about to preform a cartwheel when the ever energetic Daniel jumps out of the house in his own form

James and Jon122 viewsJames and Jonathan at retreat: Jon doing some zombie face while James wonders what's even going on

Stevie hiding locker122 viewsStevie hiding from the photo barrage before retreat

Chris during bible122 views

Cast Party Photo Hunt 2122 views

Bri and Kevin cheerleaders122 viewsBri on Kevin's shoulders at the end of yearbook

Amy Caught122 viewsBlake showing Amy who's boss

David beach run122 viewsI really like this one, it has some cool motion but it breaks a lot of composition rules

Antique mirro122 viewsMe, Adrian and Daniel in this random antiques shop in Mount Dora; we paid the lady with a hundred dollar bill for our 3 dollar smoothies

Oscar on the bus122 viewsShot credit to Stevie

Braden at retreat122 viewsShot credit to Stevie

Get in the water!122 viewsEverybody amassed in the water at retreat

Up-clsoe croc122 viewsI took this super macro shot at a zoo-type area in Hershey Park
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