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Oscar on the bus122 viewsShot credit to Stevie

Braden at retreat122 viewsShot credit to Stevie

Get in the water!122 viewsEverybody amassed in the water at retreat

Up-clsoe croc122 viewsI took this super macro shot at a zoo-type area in Hershey Park

Marsh revenge122 viewsMarsh sprays Cetaphil all over the security kid's door at retreat

The nose game122 viewsRebekah and James' punch-you-in-the-nose game

Braden stickynoted Civic122 viewsBraden standing next to Rebekah's stickynoted Civic

Boatmaster 2122 viewsYea, he's definitely smirking

Riverside Fury scrimmage Nov26-08122 viewsThis image is presized for Facebook and MySpace: you are encouraged to share it!
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FCC Cheer Nationals 09122 viewsThis image is presized for Facebook and MySpace: you are encouraged to share it!
If you are interested in obtaining a print-quality 10MP version, email for pricing info.


Michelle by the road121 views

Gus wild and crazy121 viewsGus on Wild and Crazy day during spirit week covered in a duct tape suit

Wild and crazy lineup121 viewsEsther, Rebekah, Alex, Adrian, and Ryan lined up for the Wild and Crazy day judgeing during spirit week

The girls on character day121 viewsAlly, Rebekah, and Lynn dressed up for character day, Ally was a nurse and Rebekah was Trinity

Anthony flower121 views

Latin pyramid121 viewsJames, Julie, and Mac make a pyramid outside during Latin class

Michael couch121 viewsMichael on the couch the night before VBS

Tiger hiding in a bag121 views

Energy waste121 viewsOur total alotment of energy drinks and sodas from my party
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