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Twister 4120 views

Sean by the wall120 views

James and Jon120 viewsJames and Jonathan at retreat: Jon doing some zombie face while James wonders what's even going on

Stevie hiding locker120 viewsStevie hiding from the photo barrage before retreat

Christa's breakdown120 viewsA shot of Christa breaking down during 60's history class

Chris during bible120 views

Braden falls120 viewsBraden attempts to race the group, but fails brilliantly at the RDV Sportsplex

Michael Mermaid120 viewsThe part of the day at the beach party that I got mermaided

Cast Party Photo Hunt 2120 views

My friends on the bench120 viewsEverybody sitting on the bench in the Oviedo park being crazy

Sunbathing120 viewsBrooks, Brett, Kyle, and their friend brought out a kiddie pool and a kite to the court yard for fun friday

Katie dancing120 viewsKatie dancing at homecoming

Dancing at Prom 6120 viewsMacarena, of course

Tom's party misc 2120 views

Morgan the killer120 viewsMorgan tries to kill Tina during AP World History

Emo Tom120 viewsTom being emo for pictureday

Michael and Cakeface120 viewsCakes!

Michael and Rebekah and her hat120 viewsRebekah trying on hats while other people (that tend to get lost) go to the bathroom

Boatmaster 2120 viewsYea, he's definitely smirking

Picture time120 views
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