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Ally wall115 viewsAlly's wall shot for the year

Brooks wild and crazy115 viewsBrooks dressed up for Wild and Crazy day during spirit week

Dog sitting 2115 views

Jon and Marsh pinata smack115 viewsOverkill?

Snow!115 viewsI took a picture of me and some snow outside of a post office because a lot of my Florida friends hadn't seen it

Adrian wall sophomore115 viewsAdrian by our favorite wall on a normal day

Adrian's tastes115 viewsAdrian yelling to Nathan about how he has a yearning for women of good taste

Brittany and Nathan115 viewsBrittany frequently messes with Nathan, this is just one of the ways

Plate head Brittany115 viewsBrittany was having a bad day; somebody put a plate on her head; I took a picture; see the progression?

Chapman and us115 viewsMy friends and I with Mr. Chapman the day he came back to teach during Chapel

Evan the Red115 views

Hiding115 viewsAdrian hiding behind a tree in the dark after a movie at the Oviedo Mall

Sophocles115 viewsMe acting as Sophocles while working on our english project at Stevie's house

Mac hiding from the cops115 views

TMA is SO boring115 viewsWalking down the hall on the way to my locker before lunch, I spied a boy, dead, on the sidewalk, near the playgound

TRex spray115 viewsI took this shot RIGHT as we were falling down the falls, the lady told us ten seconds earlier to put it away

Words of Wisdom115 views

Chris pensive115 viewsChris thinking about some stuff during lunch

Oscar eats hearts115 views

Get Christa, get Christa!115 viewsEverybody was yelling for Rachel to go shoot Christa as she walked by
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