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Plate head Brittany114 viewsBrittany was having a bad day; somebody put a plate on her head; I took a picture; see the progression?

Ravenous Patterson114 viewsChris knawing on his book during study hall, he was quite hungry

Evan the Red114 views

Stevie at sunrise114 viewsThis was taken at sunrise on our beach party day

TMA is SO boring114 viewsWalking down the hall on the way to my locker before lunch, I spied a boy, dead, on the sidewalk, near the playgound


Daniel and Brittany114 views

Oscar eats hearts114 views

Frankie splashed114 viewsFrankie got nailed with chocolate milk (as did the floor) and caused some kinda riot with the teachers

Michael and Beery underwater114 viewsMr. Berry and most of the class never believed my waterproof claims, until the washing of feet day

Nathan's blood pressure114 viewsStephen checking for Nathan's pulse

Chris on the bus114 viewsShot credit to Stevie

Tube wars114 viewsKyle and Brooks fighting with Jeff and Brett on their tubes

George Washingtons114 viewsBrittany and Nikki showing off their George Washington hair

Rebekah's first floor114 viewsNikki, Lynn, Ally, Rebekah, James, Tom, and Brittany near the end of Rebekah's party

Amanda playing quarters114 viewsAmanda playing the quarters game, she kept going for about five minutes and ended up getting marks all over her face before anyone had told her the truth; she hated the rest of the class after that

Waiting for our parents 2114 views

[Panorama] St. Thomas scenic stop114 viewsThe first scenic stop on our St. Thomas busride; click the medium picture to see the fullsize ready to be scrolled horizontally in your browser

Eat now or later?114 viewsBraden being tempted by a quick snack, knowing that he'll be hungry later

Passing Slavia114 viewsJayce and I had just slammed through a massive spot of standing water on Red Bug Lake Road as we passed Slavia that completely covered the windshield for a few seconds
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