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Cartwheel110 viewsA picture of Brittany doing a cartwheel, and it basically looks like Adrian is STAREING at her haha, but he's actually looking at the swiffer

Friends at retreat after the games110 viewsRebekah, Ally, Brittany P, Lynn, Chris, Nathan, Brittany, and Josh Schultz all in a circle after a few retreat games on our first night

Anthonny flipping110 viewsAnthony shows off his gymnastic skills for the camera

Arm art110 viewsBrittany marked all over my arm during Bible class; you can see Stevie in the background shielding himself

Hanging at the corner110 viewsThis was a few minutes after Adrian got "mugged", I was pretty mad but I made a face

Winter Park Side Streets110 viewsBad idea...

Juice-It-Up Board110 viewsStevie in front of the Juice-It-Up board

Michael and friends roof110 viewsI promised my friends a sunrise on my roof, well, we did it :)

Interloper 2110 viewsBrittany shoes her clear disgust for the interloper

James and Stacey110 views

Annie's golf110 viewsOne of the many Cinco De Mayo golf courses

Stevie sleeping Boyd's desk110 viewsStevie just jumped up on that desk at the beginning of Boyd's history class, so Brooks and Chris joined him

Michaela and Victoria bus110 viewsMichaela and Victoria on the bus towards retreat

Rebekah is crazy110 viewsRebekah trying to kill Brittany P because of her unrelenting, obnoxious noises

Oreo resting110 viewsOreo, my cat, resting in my clothes drawer as she frequently does

Bellyflop contest110 viewsAnd on the sixth day we went up to deck 12 to watch the annual bellyflop contest...

Michael held up110 viewsSo I copied Nathan

Waiting for our parents 2110 views

Brittany and Michael palms110 viewsWe had just gotten to St. Thomas and the first thing the chaperones wanted to do was to take pictures

St. Thomas beachline110 views
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