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[Panorama] St. Martin market107 viewsThe shopping district of St. Martin; click the medium picture to see the fullsize ready to be scrolled horizontally in your browser

God's provision107 viewsJames, Matt, and Jayce walking away from my van, the only vehicle in the entire church's parking lot

The ear issue107 viewsBrittany was having a tough time making it so the cap balanced on her head but her hair didn't part itself in areas

Amanda R's diploma107 viewsAmanda getting her diploma from Dr. Harris

Rebekah walking107 viewsRebekah walking during the class of 2008's graduation processional

TMA Varsity Football 08 [Game 3]107 viewsA shot from the Trinity Prep VS Master's game on September 12th: be sure to purchase the Game 3 CD next Friday, these pictures will not be in the yearbook!

Varsity Basketball: TMA VS Orangewood107 viewsThis image is presized for Facebook and MySpace: you are encouraged to share it!
If you are interested in obtaining a print-quality 10MP version, email for pricing info.

Varsity Basketball: TMA VS Orangewood107 viewsThis image is presized for Facebook and MySpace: you are encouraged to share it!
If you are interested in obtaining a print-quality 10MP version, email for pricing info.

Varsity Basketball: TMA VS Orangewood107 viewsThis image is presized for Facebook and MySpace: you are encouraged to share it!
If you are interested in obtaining a print-quality 10MP version, email for pricing info.

Varsity Basketball: TMA VS Orangewood107 viewsThis image is presized for Facebook and MySpace: you are encouraged to share it!
If you are interested in obtaining a print-quality 10MP version, email for pricing info.

Riverside Fury VS College Guys Jan17-09107 viewsThis image is presized for Facebook and MySpace: you are encouraged to share it!
Riverside Fury members can purchase a CD with both games on it for only $10; email for more info.

Riverside Fury VS College Guys Jan17-09107 viewsThis image is presized for Facebook and MySpace: you are encouraged to share it!
Riverside Fury members can purchase a CD with both games on it for only $10; email for more info.

FCC Cheer Nationals 09107 viewsThis image is presized for Facebook and MySpace: you are encouraged to share it!
If you are interested in obtaining a print-quality 10MP version, email for pricing info.

toward heaven106 viewsawesome pic of Andrew

Mac AIM106 viewsTells me when Mac logs on to AIM

Brothas car106 viewsJayce, Stevie, and I posing by the car; after that, Jayce stole it

Justin wall106 viewsJustin spying around the corner at Jon's 16th birthday party

Oscar by the wall106 viewsOscar trying to do his own wall shot that Sean invaded

Before the crush106 viewsThe sign the cheer girls made for the pep rally a few seconds before it's demise

Anthony after school106 views
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