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Brittany's cow topper 297 views

Britt selfportrait97 viewsShe took it but afterwords almost deleted because it was "beh"

Nathan and Mrs. Brown97 viewsMrs. Brown sat down next to Nathan at lunch, he was very excited

Nathan dark clouds97 views

Track practice97 viewsMy mom took this picture for yearbook of track practice

Anthony in the surf97 views

Beach cameraman97 views

Beer Beer Beer Beer97 viewsStevie singing the song he and I came up with at Crashorama

Country Music97 viewsJayce choreographing the country song we were listing to on K92FM after going to the Oviedo mall with Jean

Raining Cones97 viewsJayce and I messing around with my camera during a rainstorm playing with street cones

Pool balls supermacro97 views

Michael and Chris Cast Party97 views

Brittany's ring97 viewsI took photos of everyone else's rings so I decided to get a shot of the ring I gave Brittany for our 1 year anniversary

Oscar's senior ring97 views

Double Amanda97 viewsWe were all making the jokes, but Braden actually took this picture before we left to volunteer that day

Jayce rocky pose97 viewsJayce takes a second to pose at IOA while we waited for the security guards to pass, eagerly awaiting the chance to get back on top of the griffin

Michael and Jayce roller coaster97 viewsMichael and Jayce on the Pink Unicorn -- weeee

Toro97 viewsI made that crazy U thing by mowing; I liked how there was a ton of different colors and textures in this shot

Table boxes tower 297 views

Slowsync flashed97 viewsBored in the sanctuary...
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