Most viewed |

Trinity96 viewsRebekah dressed up as Trinity for character day

Jayce big glasses96 viewsJayce wearing Michael's massive glasses during the relay game

Michael paperface96 viewsMichael walking around Park Avenue during the Winter Park Parade

The waves96 views

Let Me Out!96 viewsStevie trying to escape over the construction fence

We Will Rock You96 viewsJayce, Michelle, my mom, and I listening to the "We Will Rock You" song before leaving Blockbuster after VBS

Cast Party dancing 896 views

Michaela, Sam, and Courtney96 viewsMichaela, Sam, and Courtney at the Junior class Christmas party

Toro96 viewsI made that crazy U thing by mowing; I liked how there was a ton of different colors and textures in this shot

The birthday cake96 viewsChris and Thomas get ready to blow out the candles on their cake

David bus96 viewsDavid on the bus ride to retreat

Patio people96 viewsTom, Braden, and Lynn on the patio watching the rest of us swim at Brittany P's 19th birthday

Lorin crazy stuff96 viewsLorin with all of her new secret buddy items with Brittany despairing in the background

Julia on the boat96 views

What can be done?96 viewsRebekah, Brittany, and Ally practically give up

Scenic sight 396 views

Jon walking96 viewsJon walking during the class of 2008's graduation processional

Tom's diploma96 viewsTom getting his diploma from Dr. Harris

Julia's diploma96 viewsJulia getting her diploma from Dr. Harris

Brittany pirating the ship96 viewsBrittany running the pirate wheel at Downtown Disney after the Anberlin concert
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