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Nikki and Eric sleeping88 viewsNikki and Eric sleeping during one of the cd-read stories in English class

Tower of juggs88 viewsWe had like, 32 milk jugs in the cooler today, they got all drunk and then stacked...

Marriage?88 viewsAnthony has always done this to Rachel.. but now?

Nathan cart elevator88 viewsWe were taking the cart downstairs to the sorting kids, Nathan hopped in

Michael with the SLR88 viewsI snapped this on the way back from taking pictures at Mrs. Tome's office destruction ONLY because I had a similar one last year of my hair heh

Rachel pounces88 viewsRachel Smith seconds before she attacked Christa with the water gun

Dancing at Prom 388 viewsI love Amanda's rock horns here

Tourist Brittany88 views

Brown team floaters88 viewsMe and the brown team at retreat showing off our floating creation

Evan boat racing88 viewsEvan with his boating hat racing at retreat

Brittany mad88 viewsBrittany P angry at our home football team during a game

Boatmaster88 viewsMr. Stiegel driving Kyle and Joanna around the lake on St. Patricks day

Katie windblown88 views

Marsh and Julia88 viewsObviously, things were a little toned down during dinner that night

Kayak winners88 viewsBrittany and I were the first out, first back... take that

Seize the day88 viewsLooks like some kinda powerbar commercial

Anthony walking88 viewsAnthony walking during the class of 2008's graduation processional

Michael and the girls88 viewsMy mother, sister, and I during the rose gifting part of the graduation ceremony

Victoria's diploma88 viewsVictoria getting her diploma from Dr. Harris

It's over! 588 viewsBraden, Janssen, and Marsh leaving the stage
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