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Sean and Rachel spanish87 viewsI was tagging along with Stevie while he took yearbook pictures so I took a few of my own

Angelic Sean87 views

Sean's bonnet87 views

Stevie and Britt bible87 views

Stevie gaming87 viewsWe were supposed to be doing work during english class on these laptops; Stevie played some Heli Attack 3 instead

Photographer's silhouette87 viewsStevie was taking pictures when I squatted down and saw this shot, I took it immediately before he moved

Study hall elements87 viewsSoda, candy, and cell phones keep us busy during study hall

Emo texas87 views

Braden and Anthony87 viewsBraden and Anthony waiting for Braden's cell phone to light up

Braden evil jacket87 viewsBraden hiding in his jacket in Brittany's room before heading out to Universal Halloween Horror Nights '06

Brittany surprised87 viewsBrittany surprised at her brother during videoing for her "How to Talk to a Liberal" project

Kill the Girls87 viewsBrittany showing what she'd like to do to the annoying girls at Brittany P's birthday party

Tree sunset87 views

It's your move87 viewsThis one was fun to make, combining a war theme with a psuedo-warlike game seemed to fit perfectly.

Cast Party Photo Hunt 887 views

Cast Party dancing 1287 views

Bri grr87 viewsBri making a grr face during yearbook as the dealines close in

Taking out the trash87 viewsJanssen and Ray take out the trash at the Second Harvest Food Bank

Braden suspicious87 viewsBraden looking over at Mrs. Hubbard as we play black jack, we took pictures to keep her unsuspecting

Eight eyed kids87 viewsMe and Jayce with the visors on before the Spiderman ride
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