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Michael super sandwhich87 viewsMichael eating my super sandwhich at the Taylor on Tour convention

Karate Julie87 viewsJulie about to Judo chop Chris after the Friends Forever play

Mrs. Tome's destroyed office87 viewsThe band and the art kids destroyed her office along with a few parents, in this one you an see all of the sticky notes on the walls

Michael wall kick87 viewsSlamming my foot into the wall, Braden took this great shot

Dancing at Prom 887 viewsDaniel dancing with Julie and Missi to thriller

Dancing at Prom87 views

Niko and Matt87 viewsNiko and Matt during the knight-mount game at retreat

Rebekah planning87 viewsRebekah deciding what her next move will be during the kickball game at retreat

Panel boats race 287 viewsChloe and Hazel racing on the cardboard boats at retreat

Niko rockwall87 viewsNiko climbing the rockwall at retreat

Splashing87 viewsJon and I were splashing the girls, they then started splashing back at Brittany P's 19th birthday

Marsh glasses87 viewsMarsh wearing J-Dawg's glasses during Yearbook

Rachel and Kaleigh thumbs up87 viewsRachel and Kaleigh on picture day with their wacky hair

Michaela thumbs up87 viewsMichaela shows her excitement as the cruise ship departs

Ray and Janssen87 viewsRay and Janssen pose under pressure from Michaela and Ashlyn as the cruise ship departs

Swing, swing87 viewsTwo of the male skaters spinning two of the female skaters in sync

Jeff and Michaela waiting87 viewsJeff and Michaela in the library a few minutes before our leave to Puerto Rico

Computer room talking87 viewsMe, Blake, Joey, Evan, Kyle, Dave, Jeff, and Marsh hanging out watching the elevator guys in the computer room on deck 7

Adrian meets the ballchinian87 viewsNathan and I were walking around, we found Brittany and she thought it was funny, but Adrian almost fell into a wall

Brittany and Rodrigo87 viewsThe man that stole my girlfriends heart, Rodrigo, with his "Miss Brittany"s and his quick service
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