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Ready to hike82 viewsWe stopped at a few different viewpoints on the rim and I saw this lady checking out the sites too... heh

A quiet stream82 views

Our ride82 viewsThe Pontiac Grand Prix that we drove around all of Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, and Colorado

Kyle's vein82 viewsKyle laying on the ground; every time he smiled his vein would pop out

Lynn bonnet82 viewsLynn wearing her bonnet during lunch

Bad mood sign82 viewsI wasn't having a very good day at all, and that fact kinda showed without any effort on my own; Nathan and Oscar were nice enough to alert everyone in the area

Suited up82 viewsMe hanging out after school in my suit that, for some reason, has an off-center tie

Pancakes82 viewsBrittany making pancakes at Adrian and Daniel's house

Delicious Smoothie82 viewsBrittany drinking one of the delicious smoothies on our six month anniversary at Sea World

Stroller babies82 viewsBrittany and I working at Chris' scouts yard sale

David shoots...82 viewsDavid shooting a can tab around the table

Texan Destiny82 views

Vortex Michael82 viewsI told everybody in Bible class about the vortexy effect (motion blur, haha)

Nathan breaking rules82 viewsNathan bends the TMA no sitting on the trashcan rule just like I did

Nathan crowds82 viewsI put the camera up over the crowd of people talking and for some reason this became one of my favorite pics of him

Peter spoon82 viewsThis was taken of him at a football game, everybody was obsessed with the icee things

Rachel82 views

Pushing and shoving82 viewsMe and Brittany pushing eachother around in the rain

Stevie clouds stance82 views

Terrence is cool82 viewsTerrence acting all cool before he broke out into a dance for us while waiting for snakcs
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