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Brittany in the hole81 viewsWe didn't want to leave the dinner area yet, so we ended up taking about a hundred pictures of eachother moving around in this whole thing next to the bathroom

Blake flowriding81 views

Michaela flowriding81 views

The bike shop 281 viewsI saw this guy riding up with his bike full of hats and such and as soon as I stated snapping some pictures he wanted to sell us things

We just might die81 viewsRebekah sharing the fear the rest of us have of never seeing the cruise ship again

Soaked jeans81 viewsNathan in his soaked jeans; I don't think he ever brought a pair of boardshorts so he kinda made due all week

Ally walking81 viewsAlly walking during the class of 2008's graduation processional

Chris walking81 viewsChris walking during the class of 2008's graduation processional

Laura walking81 viewsLaura walking during the class of 2008's graduation processional

Amanda W walking81 viewsAmanda walking during the class of 2008's graduation processional

Rose Gifting with Mrs. Laustsen81 viewsMrs. Laustsen and I during the rose gifting part of the graduation ceremony

Rachel's diploma81 viewsRachel getting her diploma from Dr. Harris

Rebekah's diploma81 viewsRebekah getting her diploma from Dr. Harris

Brad's diploma81 viewsBrad getting his diploma from Dr. Harris

Nikki's diploma81 viewsNikki getting her diploma from Dr. Harris

Jon's diploma81 viewsJon getting his diploma from Dr. Harris

Alex's dimploma81 viewsAlex getting his diploma from Dr. Harris

Matt's diploma81 viewsMatt getting his diploma from Dr. Harris

It's over! 1281 viewsAnthony and Stevie leaving the stage

Time for the roses81 viewsA wide angle shot of my class dispersing to deliver our gift roses
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