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Brittany's cake81 viewsBrittany with her birthday cake at Brittany P's 19th birthday

Brittany trenchcoat81 viewsBrittany by the pond that I just "had" to take a panoramic shot of

Dave model81 viewsDave posing for the camera after his ride on the tube

Brittany reporter81 viewsBrittany ready to jot down her report

Gun rangers81 viewsMy dad and I with our guns in the light of a bulb at the gun range

Kenny coffee81 viewsKenny hyped up on McDonald's new hazelnut coffee

Government drawings81 viewsThe different drawings put up for our reasons to get people to vote; you can see my woman there that would make guys want to go vote

Penguin Brittany81 viewsAt least, that's what I THINK she was going for?

Towel bunny81 viewsOne of the waiters shows Michaela, Jeff, and Kyle his towel-bunny-making trick

Towel bunny 481 views

Nathan's creation81 viewsYou tell me? You can't see any of his body besides his hands, and the creation is kinda cool...

Sunrise 6:45 AM81 views

Michaela flowriding81 views

Blake flowriding 281 viewsBlake doing a knee flip on the flowrider

Kyle headstand81 viewsKyle trying out a headstand on the flowrider

The bike shop 281 viewsI saw this guy riding up with his bike full of hats and such and as soon as I stated snapping some pictures he wanted to sell us things

We just might die81 viewsRebekah sharing the fear the rest of us have of never seeing the cruise ship again

Soaked jeans81 viewsNathan in his soaked jeans; I don't think he ever brought a pair of boardshorts so he kinda made due all week

Ally walking81 viewsAlly walking during the class of 2008's graduation processional

Chris walking81 viewsChris walking during the class of 2008's graduation processional
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