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Dissection girls79 viewsLori, Bri, and Kaylee dissecting a heart in anatomy, notice the differing faces

Lori the heart eater79 views

Justin ready to sell79 viewsJustin was tasked with selling one dollar pens to the students at the yearbook hand out

No playground79 viewsI took a shot of this due to the irony, clever me

Destroyed office79 viewsI loved the clock in the background, Que Hora Est?

Dancing at Prom 979 views

Lancaster caboose79 viewsMe hanging off of one of the train cars that were converted into a museum

Brittany on the bus79 viewsBrittany on the bus ride towards retreat in Hudson, FL

Eric and Matt bus79 viewsEric and Matt on the busride to retreat

Brittany's cake79 viewsBrittany with her birthday cake at Brittany P's 19th birthday

Jon ball slam79 viewsJon slamming his fist into the "volleyball" to guide it over the net at Brittany P's 19th birthday

Lauren teeth79 viewsAn accidental shot in Chemistry that turned out pretty cool

Brittany reporter79 viewsBrittany ready to jot down her report

Michael and Kenny raining79 viewsMichael and Kenny during her first TMA rainstorm

Michael, Lindsay, Emily hen79 viewsI randomly snapped behind me and there was Emily on top of Lindsay during our cornish henning

Lazy summer79 viewsSummer, Brittany's dog, sitting her butt down on the couch

Government drawings79 viewsThe different drawings put up for our reasons to get people to vote; you can see my woman there that would make guys want to go vote

Penguin Brittany79 viewsAt least, that's what I THINK she was going for?

Towel bunny79 viewsOne of the waiters shows Michaela, Jeff, and Kyle his towel-bunny-making trick

Sunrise 6:38 AM79 views
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