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Cocky78 viewsCocky the cockroach ended up on my shoulder at church

BIG HUNK78 views

Route 6678 viewsThe endless road that we were driving on

Indian land78 viewsWe drove into some kind of Indian reservation where almost everything was broken and run down

Volcanic background 278 viewsI was able to get my mom to do a pose with the volcanic backdrop

The Monument Valley expanse78 views

Michelle in Monument Valley78 views

Brittany the cat78 viewsBrittany dressed up in a cat costume

Brittany crossing78 viewsBrittany mimicking the bird crossing sign at SeaWorld for our 6 month anniversary

Brittany lakeside 478 views

The White House78 views

Michael and Nathan retreat78 viewsMichael and Nathan before we headed off to retreat

Kids love strays78 viewsSome random stray dog made its way onto the school grounds that day, I was lucky enough to get this shot with how fast the woman was shooing the kids and dog away from eachother

Jayce at the game78 viewsJayce randomly showed up at our football game!

Jon spirit day78 views

Chips78 viewsJustin eats a small snack during bible

Mac afro78 viewsThe wig on the manican in Latin class on Mac's head

Pirate Searching78 views

Peter and Joey78 viewsPeter does some cool tricks while Joey tries to catch a nap

Phil Rock On78 viewsPhil shows off his metal horns-- the main thing that we tought our kids that week
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