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Fish kiss74 viewsBrittany at Petland making kiss faces at a fish

Chillaxin74 viewsMe at retreat just chilling

Jon blowing bubbles74 viewsJonathan blowing some bubbles on Spirit Day

Josh hand74 views

Angelic Katie74 viewsKatie sat right in front of the sunny window blanketing her in light during Latin

Latin class outside74 viewsMr. Castaldi took Mac, James, Julie and I outside for Latin today

Michael stance74 viewsTaken the same day as the me and Stevie stance pic

Driving to VBS74 viewsThe slow crawl to church is only hastened by Coke Lime it seems

Adrian pose74 views

Justin birthday hat74 viewsJustin takes a second to wish Niko a happy birthday

Nick smile74 viewsNick smiles as Chris dumps butter on his head

Michael on the ledge 274 views

Wtf ropes?74 viewsMy sister took this shot after Jayce said something really random

Flirty Friends Forever74 views

Geran sleeping74 viewsGeran fell asleep by himself with his hand over his head, so I did him the favor of having to actually block something

James with a smock74 viewsMe with James who was wearing his smock after a Chemistry experiment

Michael, Lindsay, Emily hen74 viewsI randomly snapped behind me and there was Emily on top of Lindsay during our cornish henning

Sam listening74 viewsSam and Ashlyn listening to the leader guy at Coalition for the Homeless

Lazy summer74 viewsSummer, Brittany's dog, sitting her butt down on the couch

Petrowski turtleing74 viewsMr. Petrosky in the process of turtleing Cameron's backpack
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