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Track meeting75 viewsCoach and my mother talking to the girls of the track team before a practice

Lights call-list75 viewsChris' lighting instructions for the Friends Forever play

80's Madeline75 viewsMadeline after the Friends Forever play dressed in 80's garb

80's Herzig75 views

KC pushback75 viewsKC pushing Kyle and Dave away from our tube since they kept trying to hop across

Lauren teeth75 viewsAn accidental shot in Chemistry that turned out pretty cool

Michael, Braden, Brooks Hawaiian75 viewsBraden, Brooks, and I dressed up for the cheerleading hawaiian spirit day; Braden in his first TMA shorts appearance ever (Brooks always wears those mini-shorts though)

Michael Adrian Niko homecoming75 viewsHalf of our heads got cut off by my finger (ARGH!)

Michael and Brittany prespeeches75 viewsBrittany and I before we had to give our homecoming court speeches

Mr. Ary headstand75 viewsMr. Ary pulls a headstand on the flowrider

Blake flowriding 375 views

Joey flowriding75 views

Julia tries to stand75 viewsMatt helps Julia get balanced for her shot trying the standing style of the flowrider

Flowrider girls75 viewsMichaela, Julia, and Katie warming up in wait for their turns on the flowrider

Julia flowriding 375 views

Matt's jump75 viewsMatt attempted a pretty cool jump too

Kayaker collison75 viewsWe finally made it to the bay out in the middle of nowhere... we just had to run into eachother first

Rainstorm!75 viewsAll of a sudden, it started raining while we were all in Starbucks (of all places,) but we had to keep going places; I ended up roadie-running while taking shots and then ducking under cover to wipe off the camera

Guys group shot75 viewsThe guys of our senior class at St. Thomas from left to right: Raymond, Nathan, Jon, Kibwe, Marsh, Brett, Janssen, Jeff, Evan, Joey, Chris, Brad, Mr. Darnell, Adrian, Matt, Dave, Daniel, Sean, Blake, Kyle, David, James, Braden, myself, and Tom

Rebekah and the towelhead75 viewsI'm not sure which should be the focal point, Rebekah in St. Thomas or Braden the towelhead?
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