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Rebekah's watch71 viewsA random shot of Rebekah's new watch

Michelle at IOA71 viewsMichelle in front of The Hulk at IOA

Michelle on the ropes 271 views

Christina saves71 viewsChristina hitting a low shot

Nicole returns71 viewsA different angle compared to usual, you can see the ball clearly coming at her

Ready to swing71 viewsMadeline readies herself for the incoming ball

Track meeting71 viewsCoach and my mother talking to the girls of the track team before a practice

My heart71 viewsFor you, isnt it pretty?

Insert here71 viewsMr. Herzig showed us the correct way to thrust our finger into the heart, I think I got the technique right

KC pushback71 viewsKC pushing Kyle and Dave away from our tube since they kept trying to hop across

Michael, Braden, Brooks Hawaiian71 viewsBraden, Brooks, and I dressed up for the cheerleading hawaiian spirit day; Braden in his first TMA shorts appearance ever (Brooks always wears those mini-shorts though)

Towel bunny 471 views

Scavengers71 viewsDavid and Nikki tired after the scavenger hunt

Kayaker collison71 viewsWe finally made it to the bay out in the middle of nowhere... we just had to run into eachother first

Rainstorm!71 viewsAll of a sudden, it started raining while we were all in Starbucks (of all places,) but we had to keep going places; I ended up roadie-running while taking shots and then ducking under cover to wipe off the camera

Braden and Emily71 views

The Eyes of God performing at Odin's Den71 viewsThis image is presized for Facebook and MySpace: you are encouraged to share it!
If you are interested in obtaining a print-quality 10MP version, email for pricing info.

The Eyes of God performing at Odin's Den71 viewsThis image is presized for Facebook and MySpace: you are encouraged to share it!
If you are interested in obtaining a print-quality 10MP version, email for pricing info.

Jayce After Mall70 views

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