Most viewed |

Crazy Mac face66 viewsMac makes a monkey face during Latin

Wallclimber Mac66 views

Michael and Alex spirit day66 viewsAlex and I on Spirit Day during spirit week

Hairy kids66 viewsMe and Braden with out hair grown out

Thrown in66 viewsA photo that was supposed to have been cropped to look like I was throwing the kid into a stream during a camping trip

Study hall pen supermacro66 views


Tampa mailbox66 views

Nathan is cool at school66 views

Michaela and Victoria sorting food66 viewsMichael and Victoria pre-sorting food at the Second Harvest Food Bank

Nicole hits66 viewsI took this shot for yearbook, this is Nicole hitting at Red Bug Park

The Lion66 viewsBrittany's hair went all flourishy as she hit it

Car Ride 266 viewsThat was one heck of a night.....

Car Ride 166 views

Stevie, Michelle, and Sleeping Beauty66 views

Sleeping Beauty kiss66 viewsStevie's second kiss of the day, that cheek got a lot of action

Workers posing66 viewsPastor Charlie started taking some stock posed shots at Coalition for the Homeless of Janssen, Katie, Michaela, and Victoria

Katie and Julia make it off66 viewsKatie and Julia after making it through security and onto Puerto Rican pavement

Busriding at 666 viewsAlex, Jon, James, Lynn, Rebekah, and Emily on our way to the biolumescent bay

It's over! 1666 viewsAmanda, and Eddie leaving the stage
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