Most viewed |

Michael and Nathan MP3s61 viewsMichael and Nathan listening to Adrian's iPod; Chris practically bridges the gap

Michael and Sean61 viewsMichael and Clancypants with hats on during english

Jayce crafts61 viewsJayce with our 2006 VBS group at crafts

Jayce cones wet61 views

Tree Jump61 viewsJayce jumping out of a tree at the FBC Oviedo picnic

Jayce wet reflection61 views

Jayce wet tree61 views

Lynn angelic61 viewsLynn studying her lines for our "Greater Expectations" video at Amanda's house

Boogieboarders61 viewsBrittany and I hiding behind a boodieboard at the beach

Van eyes61 viewsA photo of my eye in the van not long after my first haircut post-fluffy

Michael umbrella wet61 views



Park landscape 261 viewsThe landscape around Noah and Luke's birthday party


Niko at the mall61 viewsNiko poses for a picture at the mall a couple minutes before we left to head back to school from the Science Center field trip

Stevie's birthday car61 viewsBrittany and I's balloon work on Stevie's birthday

climbing the wall part 161 views

Ricky sleeping61 viewsHe was out!

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