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Michael wet close60 views

Park landscape 260 viewsThe landscape around Noah and Luke's birthday party

Michael and Chris locked up60 viewsLooks like we've been bad...

Mac ball60 viewsMac kicking around the random ball that we played with after school



Niko meditating60 viewsNiko pondering beside the steam in the Oviedo Marketplace

Oscar playing pool 260 views

Webcam shot60 viewsCouple a hard core gangstas taking a webcam shot at the Orlando Science Center exhibit

Trent playing pool60 viewsWith the interesting angle on this one, it looks like he's playing with the table propped up on a wall

Naystay60 viewsJust one of the many nasty packages of food we sorted through at the Second Harvest Food Bank

Ricky sleeping60 viewsHe was out!

St. Paul60 views

KC jump60 viewsKC jumping on top of Me and Kyle as Dave holds on for dear life

Bench bed60 viewsA man sleeping on a bench as we drove up to the Coalition for the Homeless center

Molley Wiley smokestack60 viewsAn interesting angle I took of the smokestack at Flagler college

The Master's Touch 07-08 team60 viewsMarsh, Daron, Brittany, Niko, Stevie, Justin, Laura, Daniel, myself, and Taylor on a tree on the final day of yearbook camp

Rain's gone60 viewsAnd, just like that, the rain ended

Tom and Chris kayakers60 views

Cinco Amigos59 viewsTaken at last year's end of school movie bash.
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