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Morning people56 viewsMe and Brittany with Nathan in the morning of one of her tennis matches, my hair was recovering from a cut at the time :(

Adrian the Samurai56 viewsAdrian playing a samurai game at FYE in the Oviedo Mall while Andrew and I watch

Bathroom hold56 viewsBrittany and I taking photos at Brittany P's house after her birthday party

Tree climbers56 viewsDaniel and I climbing one of the trees at the Oviedo mall

Truck keys supermacro56 views

Lynn's senior ring56 views

Underwaterworld56 viewsI dunked my camera into the drink randomly, Sarah freaked out!

Leah hiding56 viewsLeah tries to hide from the camera during lunch but she fails





Craig and Tony pt 456 views

Michael and Brittany mustang56 viewsBrittany and I driving past on the track in or Mustang

Mayhew fan photo55 viewsThis is a picture of me and Peter Mayhew (Chewbacca, the guy in the suit for IV, V, VI, and III). This was a great moment in my life. I even got his autograph.

Jedi Masters55 viewsWindu and Shaak-Ti, the actor of Windu did not convince me a lot, now Ryan Schultz as Anakin, that was good.

Baggage of Master of Photography55 viewsA bag or something belonging to Miss Pope (teacher of the Photography class)

Artistic Angles of Time55 viewsSame face - taken from a different place

Seibert Humanities Sign - Macro55 viewsMacro pic of the photography building sign

*Palm Tree Surprise55 viewsAnother one of my favorites. Palm Trees outside of Fox Hall (main meeting place)
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