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TMA Varsity Football 08 [Game 5]324 viewsA shot from the Meritt Island VS Master's game on September 26th: be sure to purchase the Game 5 CD next Friday, these pictures will not be in the yearbook!

The Latin afterschoolers323 viewsMr. Hackett, Mr. Chapman, Justin, and me all hanging out after school on the last day; rock on!

School mob323 viewsThe school mob converges on the courtyard for yearbook emergency pictures

Orlando Watersports Complex323 viewsThis image is presized for Facebook and MySpace: you are encouraged to share it!
If you are interested in obtaining a print-quality 10MP version, email for pricing info.

Oscar Coordinating323 viewsOscar tries to coordinate the three vehicles to Chinese Firedrill together

Boy kayak322 viewsI took this of a boy kayaking around at Outdoor World, the camera was half under water

Prince of Peace flags322 viewsThe flag carriers for the 50th anniversary celebration at Prince of Peace

Splash Mountain!322 viewsBoth Chris and I videoed this one, chronicleing our adventures on Splash Mountain

BTard's a retard321 viewsThis was the very first voice recording we took during Mr. Herzig's class, Brittany, Adrian, and I can be heard in this one. Alehandro was moving a TV out of the room.

FCC Cheer State 09321 viewsThis image is presized for Facebook and MySpace: you are encouraged to share it!
If you are interested in obtaining a print-quality 10MP version, email for pricing info.

Riiing my bell320 viewsRachel and Amanda singing during Personal Fitness

After school guys320 viewsAdrian, Daniel, and Pinks after school in a random shot

Adrian and Josh drawing320 views

An uneventful chapel320 viewsMy friend and I decided to take a rather long recording during chapel, Justin and Nathan basically talk the entire time, but thats what keeps you interested.

Erik noisemaker320 views

Spirit Day Bow319 viewsI dont remember how this one got on me (I think it was Brittany)

Jayce and Michael, falling for you319 views

Brittany's frog pillow319 viewsBrittany with her beloved frog pillow at Braden's The Ring video party

Jayce croc319 viewsJayce on the playset at Noah and Luke's birthday party

Tampa pipes319 views
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