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Marissa's ghetto calculator309 viewsMarissa was the only one still using the old base model Ti's, so we made fun of her

Planning our night309 viewsRebekah, Braden, Alex, and Nikki do a once over of the map to make sure we hit all of the good spots

Michael and Stevie car308 viewsStevie and I taking photos in my van after Crashorama

Jayce and Michael, falling for you308 views

Braden and Ben shoulder slam308 views

FCC Cheer State 09308 viewsThis image is presized for Facebook and MySpace: you are encouraged to share it!
If you are interested in obtaining a print-quality 10MP version, email for pricing info.

It's the mini Berg bus!307 views

Michael tree knob307 viewsMore importantly, what are the guys behind me doing? Otherwise, I'm hanging on by some tree jut

Algebra 1 lecture307 viewsMr. McDaniel lecturing us as a substitute during Algebra 1, I took out my camera and freaked out Kyle Cominski haha

Jon sitting307 views

Reprimanded307 viewsI was being yelled at by Mr. Gwaltney for something while Stevie snapped a random picture of us, then he got yelled at too

Training to be rich307 viewsBraden came to the party late because he spent hours that day at a seminar

Stevie and Lynn at prom307 views

Chinese Firedrill 2307 views

Ally evil306 viewsAlly in the car on the way to Universal for Halloween Horror Nights '06

Rebekah loses306 views"Rebekah started off with a better present than she ended up with" James and I just wanted to point out

FCC Cheer Camp 09306 viewsThis image is presized for Facebook and MySpace: you are encouraged to share it!
If you are interested in obtaining a print-quality 15MP version, email for pricing info.

Sleeping during bible305 viewsOur entire bible class taking a nap

Bored with friends305 viewsMe, Rebekah, Brittany, Matt, and Braden bored with my camera at Halloween Horror Nights; the LINES were horrendous

Homecoming misc 6304 viewsThe macarena from a different angle at homecoming
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