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The sand war4674 viewsJayce against Craig, Justin, and John

The Eyes of God performing at Odin's Den4655 viewsThis image is presized for Facebook and MySpace: you are encouraged to share it!
If you are interested in obtaining a print-quality 10MP version, email for pricing info.

Waiting for our parents4618 viewsMichaela, Ashlyn, and Brittany waiting for their parents to return with the passports to get back on the boat

Goal hanging4593 viewsMe, Stevie, and Anthony climbing all over the football goalpost

It was a confusing moment4557 views


Happy Birthday song4393 views


Wasting away4355 viewsExaustion and hunger overtake our Latin class, as the majority of us waste away

FCC Cheer Nationals 094236 viewsThis image is presized for Facebook and MySpace: you are encouraged to share it!
If you are interested in obtaining a print-quality 10MP version, email for pricing info.

Leah boat box4219 viewsLeah with her box boat after a race at retreat

Wheeler and the AXE OF FIRE4212 viewsTonight only: Fair Havens and their mystical guitars

Dudley Falls4130 viewsMe, Brittany, David, Nikki, and Lindsey on the Dudley Dooright falls ride and SLU

Hmm, a kiss?4095 viewsBrittany kisses me on the forehead during out picnic; her nose is crazy scruched!

James study hall pass4074 viewsJames had to get a pass to specifically get his periodic table chart from his locker during a study hall; Ms. Voytenko must have been having a bad day

Muscular studs4046 viewsBrittany and Daniel show off their muscular arms

Baptisms3968 viewsJoey baptising Brett and Jeff after our morning bible study in one of the pools on deck 12

Rebekah's stickynoted Civic 23916 views...and she came out and found us... we convinced her to let us finish; (and tried to get her to help) she was a good sport

Jeff falls3888 viewsJeff slamming into the deck after trying a trick on the flowrider

You've been kicked in the nuts3873 views
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