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TMA Varsity Football 08 [Game 3]292 viewsA shot from the Trinity Prep VS Master's game on September 12th: be sure to purchase the Game 3 CD next Friday, these pictures will not be in the yearbook!

Orlando Watersports Complex292 viewsThis image is presized for Facebook and MySpace: you are encouraged to share it!
If you are interested in obtaining a print-quality 10MP version, email for pricing info.

TMA Superhero Pep Rally Sept4-09291 viewsThis image is presized for Facebook and MySpace: you are encouraged to share it!
If you are interested in obtaining a print-quality 15MP version, email for pricing info.

Holding Michelle290 viewsDaniel and I hold up my sister at the ice skating rink

Food and drink289 viewsBraden and Stevie with their sugar horde during lunch

Smiles abound289 viewsA large amount of partygoers pose for a picture at the Junior class Christmas party

Dave singing 8289 viewsA more traditional shot of Fair Havens playing at Northland's Battle of the Bands

The FP jacket288 viewsJustin wore Brittany's jacket and had a great time in it during bible

Amanda kills Sarah288 viewsAmanda snuck behind Sarah during our last day of Biology and proceeded to take her out

Hot tubbers288 viewsMarsh, Stevie, David, and the girls in the hot tub

Dunk'n' Donuts288 viewsAt some unholy hour we pulled up to Dunkn Donuts to buy our breakfast before heading out to the beach for the day

Rock-on Mohawk287 viewsMe again with mohawk front *again i have clothes on*

Connection287 viewsFunny connection I got on the bus on the way to school

Michael and Brittany in Bill's car287 viewsThis was taken after Kobe's, the night we all drove over to Braden's to watch the ring; our first picture together

Chris soaked287 viewsChris after a water fight with Brittany P

The emo tree287 viewsBraden said that it would be a good shot so he hoisted me all the way up

Pastor Charlie's ghost287 viewsWe all agreed that it looked like the ghostly head of Pastor Charlie was watching us through the window, but it was just the "Side B" paper outside in the light

Incredible cookies286 viewsBrittany used to bake cookies all the time for us, Stevie took this picture of her during the showing of The Incredibles at the school field

Michael water splash286 views

Pillars286 viewsJustin took this picture too of our yearbook staff behind the pillars at Eckard college
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