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The first Latin video281 viewsThe first Latin video ever taken, this spurred a few hundred more afterwards as the year progressed; this was basically taken just to capture the people who dont like their picture taken anyway


Rebekah's stickynoted Civic281 viewsBraden, David and I didn't want to go home yet, so we picked up some stickynotes and got Rebekah's car

Dave singing 14281 views

Brothas bars280 viewsJayce, Stevie, and I hanging out on a walkway

The Eye's of God setting up at Odin's Den280 viewsThis image is presized for Facebook and MySpace: you are encouraged to share it!
If you are interested in obtaining a print-quality 10MP version, email for pricing info.

Chipfaced Adrian279 viewsI was taking a picture of the entire table when Adrian randomly popped into the frame

Sidewalks279 viewsJames, Brad, and Braden pose for a photo I needed to do some Photoshopping to

Sneaky Laptop279 viewsI was on my laptop for an entire period like this.

Chris and Christa Cast Party278 views

Vehicular man-awesome278 viewsJayce and I playing around on scooters and bikes

Dave singing 3278 viewsA view from the crowd during one of Fair Havens' more intimate songs

Orlando Watersports Complex278 viewsThis image is presized for Facebook and MySpace: you are encouraged to share it!
If you are interested in obtaining a print-quality 10MP version, email for pricing info.

Pouring at the Oviedo Mall278 viewsI was walking up to the Oviedo Mall in the pouring rain and the way that it was falling was too interesting not to video

The Eyes of God performing at Odin's Den278 viewsThis image is presized for Facebook and MySpace: you are encouraged to share it!
If you are interested in obtaining a print-quality 10MP version, email for pricing info.

Hackett mindless typer277 viewsMr. Hackett doing some work after school

Nathan with infractions277 viewsNathan stole Mr. Hackett's infractions daily; that way, he couldn't write us up when he wanted to :)

'Tunes make us wierd277 viewsPersonally, both Daniel and Nikki look a little silly in this picture

Water attack!277 viewsMarsh gets drenched

Another hot tub pic 4276 views
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