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Jayce climbing219 viewsJayce climbing the ropes at the Jurrasic Park place

Stevie and Michelle ceremony219 viewsStevie and Michelle after the eagle ceremony

Falling off 2219 viewsNoboby can say I dont trust him!

Evan inticed219 viewsWe were waiting to get on the coasters at Sea World when I saw Evan staring very intently at his bottle

Open house parking219 viewsThe construction workers took up nearly 50% of our entire parking lot space with their junk

Adrian plays dominos219 viewsAdrian keeping busy while waiting to go to the bay at Tommy's Place

FCC Cheer State 09219 viewsThis image is presized for Facebook and MySpace: you are encouraged to share it!
If you are interested in obtaining a print-quality 10MP version, email for pricing info.

Tumbleweed spiders219 viewsBrittany sitting next to the random hair piece that she thought was a tumbeling spider

Winter Park Parade 08219 viewsThis image is presized for Facebook and MySpace: you are encouraged to share it!
If you are interested in obtaining a print-quality 10MP version, email for pricing info.

Underdog Trio performing at Odin's Den219 viewsThis image is presized for Facebook and MySpace: you are encouraged to share it!
If you are interested in obtaining a print-quality 10MP version, email for pricing info.

Riverside Fury VS College Guys Jan17-09219 viewsThis image is presized for Facebook and MySpace: you are encouraged to share it!
Riverside Fury members can purchase a CD with both games on it for only $10; email for more info.

Michael and Michelle homecoming 2218 viewsI look crazy messy but again, my sister and myself at the homecoming dance

Adrian's a noob218 viewsAdrian tends to fall asleep pretty quickly at my parties

Another cheesy picture218 viewsWe take a lot of these, I know, we're cheesy, get over it

The crazy cat girl218 viewsThis insane felinegirl rivals Anthony's cat skills, she was practically unprovoked, she just started attacking my legs!

Butterfly218 viewsA butterfly next to my dad's hand at the Lucas Nursery butterfly garden

Musketeers218 viewsAmanda and I during the later hour filming of Greater Expectations

Shocking218 viewsWe bought a new grill, so my dad ripped out the ignitor from our old one

James Kyle and Dave at Daily Bread218 viewsJames Kyle and Dave wearing their smocks and hairnets about to serve the homeless food at Daily Bread

Joanna and Kayla ponytails218 viewsJoanna and Kalya with their hair done up for senior picture day
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