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Sword fight2035 viewsAlly and Rebekah take out their anger and frustration on eachother

Jeff's jump2014 viewsWe'd been trying for about fifteen minutes to get somebody to successfully jump on the flowrider: Jeff did it, and it turned out great

Christa hug attacked2013 viewsJustin hug attacking Christa during yearbook

Adrian broke it1993 viewsAdrian looking through the pipe that he took off of a hose at Brittany P's 19th birthday

Orlando Watersports Complex1986 viewsThis image is presized for Facebook and MySpace: you are encouraged to share it!
If you are interested in obtaining a print-quality 10MP version, email for pricing info.

The Girls Bathroom!1977 viewsAdrian enters the girl's bathroom during our summer break before Junior year and is horrified at the sight

Daniel and Jon1904 viewsDaniel's shoes are always shiny! But this is a good picture of the two of them at my house

How to get in trouble1899 viewsAdrian, Pinks, Rebekah, Nathan and myself were thinking of ways to get in trouble after school

Escaping the Neighborhood1885 viewsMe on the phone with Andrew after we narrowly escaped the angry neighbor who almost made Andrew run into another car on the way out of the neighborhood

Locked in1854 viewsCredit goes to Darnell for the original picture; Katie locked in James, Nikki, David, Ally, Michaela, Rebekah, and Brad in this room without a door handle

Black Lincoln1853 viewsYou might not think so, but I think this looks like a somewhat black version of Lincoln.

Orlando Watersports Complex1844 viewsThis image is presized for Facebook and MySpace: you are encouraged to share it!
If you are interested in obtaining a print-quality 10MP version, email for pricing info.

Laura and Joey1843 viewsLaura with her hair all crazy for picture day, and Joey with hair

Graffiti1840 viewsAdrian signs the Hard Knocks board with his duck sign and the HQubed tag

Choral night1838 viewsAdrian, Daniel, and Brittany at the chorus Christmas recital

Eric's team photo1835 viewsA photo stop during the relay game at retreat on the last day


Brittany and Marissa dance1819 viewsBrittany and Marissa at the homecoming dance

[Panorama] Waterford pond1793 viewsI saw this incredible cloud formation as I drove by Waterford, but I knew that the clouds would either darken out the land or the land would blow out the sky; so here is my first HDR panorama

Lancaster logs1786 viewsDuring our time in the area, these logs became one of my favorite things to shoot
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