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Jon sorting194 viewsJon sorting items at the 2nd Harvest food bank

They're greeEEEAT!194 viewsBrittany, myself, and Braden working in the food pre-sorting line at the Second Harvest Food Bank

Michael air hump194 views

Rebekah at lunch194 views

Braden hairnet194 viewsBraden at Daily Bread serving food to the homeless

Waiting for Puerto Rico194 viewsFrom left to right: Tom, David, Nikki, myself, Brittany, Chris and Marsh waiting to get off the boat for our first island visit

Light painting194 viewsBraden was trying to figure out where we should go next while I took a chance to show off my new skill with the slow-sync flash

Riverside Fury scrimmage Nov26-08194 viewsThis image is presized for Facebook and MySpace: you are encouraged to share it!
If you are interested in obtaining a print-quality 10MP version, email for pricing info.

Riverside Fury scrimmage Nov26-08194 viewsThis image is presized for Facebook and MySpace: you are encouraged to share it!
If you are interested in obtaining a print-quality 10MP version, email for pricing info.

Riverside Fury VS College Guys Jan17-09194 viewsThis image is presized for Facebook and MySpace: you are encouraged to share it!
Riverside Fury members can purchase a CD with both games on it for only $10; email for more info.

Riverside Fury VS College Guys Jan17-09194 viewsThis image is presized for Facebook and MySpace: you are encouraged to share it!
Riverside Fury members can purchase a CD with both games on it for only $10; email for more info.

FCC Cheer Camp 09194 viewsThis image is presized for Facebook and MySpace: you are encouraged to share it!
If you are interested in obtaining a print-quality 15MP version, email for pricing info.

Jenny and Caley194 viewsJenny and Caley at the Cityplace West Palm Beach Panera

Destiny throwing193 viewsWe generally throw one petite girl a day around here, we have a quota to meet after all

Britt the man193 viewsBrittany showing off her manly arms

Feet fence193 viewsA photo of my feet on the fence behind ours

Pole Jump193 viewsMe jumping over the pole in front of Michael's near the Oviedo Mall

Happy Everything193 viewsI shoot of a water bottle at Noah and Luke's birthday party during the cleanup


Brett gaming193 viewsA BIT absorbed in his racing game
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