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MichelleTube182 viewsThe extra b/w color effect was just for fun

Grand Canyon scenery 6182 viewsThis one shows a plant in the foreground of Turtle Rock

Jayce has lost it182 viewsHe literally fell to the floor and started laughing his head off

Ally182 viewsShe's ready for some cake

Chuggin energy182 viewsAdrian had just bought a monster at Eckerds as we all start yelling at him to finish it in 20 seconds

James in character182 viewsJames before a dress rehersal for Lost in Yonkers

Wah182 viewsStevie makes fun of Brittany not having much Pepsi left

AJ at the Alter182 viewsA shot from ground level of AJ and his bride at the altar

Kenny for President182 viewsA photo of Kenny for Brittany's "How to Talk to a Liberal" project

V8 Yuck182 viewsA sprayed on can of v8 juice

Jayce Jump!182 viewsJayce jumped off a ledge at IOA with the sun in the background, turned out very well :)

Riverside Fury VS College Guys Jan17-09182 viewsThis image is presized for Facebook and MySpace: you are encouraged to share it!
Riverside Fury members can purchase a CD with both games on it for only $10; email for more info.

FCC Cheer Nationals 09182 viewsThis image is presized for Facebook and MySpace: you are encouraged to share it!
If you are interested in obtaining a print-quality 10MP version, email for pricing info.

Screamer182 viewsAndrew shows off his odd mike-feedback-screaming skills during a Rockband game

South Beach Splash182 viewsThe guys rip their shirts off as a collective and jump into the freezing South Beach water

Beer and Wine!181 viewsAdrian tells of our "parading through the parade", while Daniel says something like "I'm too hot."

January 9, 2006181 viewsA combination of a picture Brittany and I took near during our fourth month and the cirrus field picture, turned out well.

Perfect Day181 viewsTried a gaussian hard light overlay on this one, in my opinion it looks great, the shimmer on everything, but it seems looking white as snow isnt a favored look for girls, sigh.

Nathan climbing illegally!181 viewsGasp!

Jumping at camera181 views
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