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Home > Miscellaneous (2004 - 2008) > Happy 16th birthday!
Turban of Secrets
Braden put on a turban after getting his hair geled to save himself the embarrassment

Turban of Secrets

Braden put on a turban after getting his hair geled to save himself the embarrassment

Ben_hot_tub.jpg Bill_icing_face.jpg Braden_allah.jpg Braden_and_Lynn.jpg Braden_evil_hair.jpg
File information
Album name:MechMykl / Happy 16th birthday!
Filesize:3250 KiB
Date added:Nov 26, 2006
Dimensions:2560 x 1920 pixels
Displayed:188 times
DateTime Original:2006:09:23 22:42:47
Exposure Time:1/30 sec
Flash:Flash, Auto-Mode
Make:Olympus Imaging Corp.
Favorites:Add to Favorites