Anthony grass117 viewsAnthony resting on the grass after doing some flips for the camera
Anthony hat161 viewsI took this one of Anthony at retreat before he had a chance to react
Anthonny flipping110 viewsAnthony shows off his gymnastic skills for the camera
Anthony pole145 viewsAnthony blows a kiss to the camera after spinning around the goalpost for awhile
Anthony proposes112 viewsThere seems to be a lot of marriage-type situations at TMA arent there?
Bathroom sign168 viewsWe lost water in the entire school today, fact: it did smell.
Drugs244 viewsStevie cracks on Brittany for her drug use during bible class
Midday bible study146 viewsEvan, Joey, and Brooks taking some time out of the day to study God's word
Bobby Down270 viewsI took this of Bobby during math, he gave me some WTF kinda face for taking pictures during class
Braden's rabbit foot109 viewsBraden's lucky rabbit foot that he brought to the PSAT... I don't believe it worked
Braden and Christa126 viewsI picture of them at the football game
Braden and Christa at lunch155 views
Braden and Missy264 viewsBraden and Missy at the Masquarade ball
Lunch duty109 viewsBraden and Trent during lunch duty
Braden and the bear119 viewsA poor McDonalds bear that my friends massacred
Braden on his cell343 views
Braden153 viewsA picture of Braden before a haircut, the next day it was sliced to pieces :P
Braden at the pep rally139 views
Brett Churilla248 viewsStevie's favorite picture of her after school
Brett hiding143 viewsBrett Moen hiding behind the laptop cart during english
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