Life Management, Biology, Drama, the Shakespeare Festival, and lots of Latin with Hackett.
168 files, last one added on Dec 03, 2006Album viewed 520 times
Psychology, Latin II, lots of Study Hall, the Masquerade Ball, Retreat, and of course Spirit Week.
546 files, last one added on Dec 03, 2006Album viewed 398 times
The Orlando Science Center 'Bodies' exhibit, Cinco De Mayo, ministry days, the Homecoming dance, and the Friends Forever play to mention a few.
612 files, last one added on Jun 29, 2007Album viewed 373 times
Yearbook camp, Retreat, Homecoming court, senior prank night, senior trip, ministry days, Disney Grad Night, graduation, and picture day.
815 files, last one added on Jul 24, 2008Album viewed 374 times